About Magnum Opus:

Magnum Opus is one of the leading social business companies in India formed by Mr. Girish Lad, with the vision of using latest information technology to bring the transparency and making life easy. Magnum Opus identifies the social issue and tries to work out an innovative solution for the better result of the ultimate objective. Magnum Opus is a pioneer of new invention of ME-Governance, a combination of Mobile and E-Governance. Magnum Opus has invented many solutions in the areas like disaster management, police department, health department, revenue departments, sports departments, collectors etc.


Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam appriciate


Our work has been appreciated by many dignitaries such as Hon. Ex. President Mr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Hon. Prime Minister Mr. Manmohan Singh, Mr. Narayan Murthy, Mr. Nandan Nilkeni etc. during the judging and nominating our innovation and giving awards ip ex ea commodo consequat.

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